艾曼纽1 Emmanuelle
- 导演:
- 贾斯特·杰克金
- 主演:
- 阿兰·居尼/西尔维娅·克里斯蒂/玛莉卡·格林/Daniel Sarky
- 电影类型:
- 剧情
- 电影剧情:
- 电影名:Emmanuelle 艾曼妞 艾曼纽 截止2017年12月6日共有3581人对《艾曼纽》评分,豆瓣评分6.6分。 艾纽曼(西尔维娅·克里斯蒂 Sylvia Kristel 饰)是一个充满了魅力的漂亮女人,在嫁给了外交官丈夫后,单纯善良的她充分享受着幸福快乐的婚姻生活。在一次前往泰国的旅途中,艾纽曼结识了一群来自法国的老乡,这群行事放荡不羁的法国人让艾纽曼第一次发现,原来世界上还存在着这样奇怪的人们。 很快,艾纽曼便加入了法国人的行列,在刺激而又激烈的偷情中,艾纽曼品尝到了别样的快乐。没过多久,丈夫便知晓了艾纽曼的大胆行径,没想到,他非但没有责怪她的不忠,反而鼓励她服从于自己的感情与欲望。在丈夫的支持下,艾纽曼在感官世界中不断的深入,渐渐的,她发现了自己一直以来都在寻找的东西,不是普通的性,而是激烈的,更热情的,以及更疯狂的。 真是挺唯美的!特别喜欢它的海报!尤其是那句"X was never like this"
艾曼纽 5 Emmanuelle 5
- 导演:
- 史蒂夫·巴尼特/瓦莱利安·博罗夫奇克
- 主演:
- Monique Gabrielle / Crofton Hardester / Dana Burns Westburg / Bryan Shane / Yaseen Khan
- 电影剧情:
- 电影名:Emmanuelle V Emmanuelle 5 截止2017年12月6日共有89人对《艾曼纽 5》评分,豆瓣评分4.9分。 法国艳星艾曼妞激情动人,豪迈奔放,吸引不少男人的注目。她为达到性经验的认识,不断寻求冒险。应王子的邀请去巴基斯坦旅游,后被王子迫为妾。当她得知自己是受害者时,决定冒死逃出苦海,在友人协助下,最后成功逃出黑窝……
- 导演:
- Mario Caiano
- 主演:
- Sirpa Lane/Giancarlo Sisti/Christiana Borghi/Piero Lulli
- 电影剧情:
- 电影名:La svastica nel ventre Nazi Love Camp 27 As the menacing clouds of war spread all over across Europe right before the outburst of WWII, flaxen-haired Jew Hannah Meyer will witness her idyllic life and her promising love affair with the perfect Aryan boyfriend Klaus Berger, crumble into pieces before her very eyes. Before long, the two innocent lovers will be separated by war's lunacy, with young Kurt enlisted in the German Waffen-SS, while hapless Hannah is rounded up and thrown to forced prostitution at the infamous "joy-camp" 27. Under those circumstances, there, in the god-forsaken purgatory, Hannah will finally meet with Waffen-SS Captain Kurt von Stein who will promise her the world, however, the proud Jewish girl refusing to accept her cruel and undeserved fate, has undisclosed plans of her own..
- 导演:
- Sergio Garrone
- 主演:
- Mircha Carven, Paola Corazzi, Giorgio Cerioni
- 电影剧情:
- 别名:SS Experiment Love Camp/Lager SSadis Kastrat Kommandantur 德国法西斯中校霍伯特再一次侵略其他国家的一个据点时获得了胜利,在据点里他发现了一名敌对国的女青年,并欲与其发生关系,女抗日青年假意与其发生关系,趁其不备之时咬下了霍伯特的蛋蛋,虽然经过了很多年,德国军官霍伯特仍为此而跟耿于怀,于是一直在研究器官移植类的手术,目的就在于重振男人雄风,而恰巧他参加了希特勒所布置的秘密人体实验项目,于是准备借此而为自己做移植蛋蛋的手术。 Near the end of WW2, prisoners of war are used in experiments to perfect the Arian race.
- 导演:
- Bruno Mattei
- 主演:
- Ivano Staccioli/Ria De Simone/Nello Riviè
- 电影剧情:
- 别名:KZ9 - Lager di Sterminio/S.S. Extermination Love Camp / Women's Camp 119 / SS campo extermination / SS Extermination Camp A prisoner is forced to serve as a doctor's assistant, giving her a front row seat for the horrible goings-on. There's the experiment to revive Nazi soldiers who have frozen to death by having nude women rub their bodies all over the corpse (that one works), and the experiment tries to "cure" homosexual men by having nude women dance for them. This is only some of the horrors that are going on there. 意大利拍摄的纯粹的粉红。
- 导演:
- Rino Di Silvestro
- 主演:
- John Steiner/Lina Polito/Erna Schurer/Sara Sperati
- 电影剧情:
- 别名:Le deportate della sezione speciale SS/Deported Women of the SS Special Section 真是放错了背景,只男猪脚根本就在演吸血鬼伯爵~~舞台剧的腔调啊:I want to drink your sliva,breath your breath..还all gods will consecrate our union~要8是画质太差我大概会反复看到笑抽过去~~ Young women in Nazi-occupied countries are packed onto a train and shipped off to a prison camp, where the sadistic commandant uses them as rewards for his lesbian guards and perverted and deviate troops.