八尺夫人——重制版 3D
- 导演:
- 未知大佬
- 主演:
- 八尺夫人
- 电影剧情:
- 才剛結束與瘦長人的「會面」,都市傳說社就被包圍的群眾邀到隔壁O鎮去,因為已經有少年遇到新的都市傳說──八尺大人──身材瘦高、身著白色洋裝、發出「剝剝剝剝剝」聲響的長髮女巨人! 看到她的少年,只能待在密閉房間,房門緊鎖、窗簾拉起,焚香外,牆角還有一碗尖塔鹽巴,時時刻刻遭受折磨,因為八尺大人就在一牆之隔! 傳說中只要看到她一眼,便會瘋狂迷戀,無法自拔而且就算逃得過今夜,也不一定躲得過明天! 「拖不動啊!」康晉翊低吼,「這樣下去連我們都會一起被拖走的!」 「大家一起用力!跟拔河一樣──」男孩父親突然心生一計,「我們先微微鬆手,讓對方反作用力後退時,再一口氣拉他回來!鬆──」 眾人略鬆了力道,再聽得男孩父親指令,咬牙用盡力氣往內再拖──啪! 下一秒,童胤恒只見眼前一片血紅,汪聿芃被血潑進眼裡的瞬間別過頭,手上那較勁的力量陡然消失,一屋子六人全部因反作用力往後倒去,摔成一團。 汪聿芃扳著窗緣往下頭看去── 高大的女人牽著男孩的手,在月光下俏皮的漫步,只是她右手上的男孩只有上半身,體內的內臟一邊往下掉,啪噠啪噠……啪噠啪噠。 但是他仍舊仰著頭,痴戀般的望著女人。
- 导演:
- 主演:
- 桥本有菜 / 橋本ありな
- 电影剧情:
- After a month of no nutting, this dude stops thinking clearly. And falls for the girlfriend’s best friend, Arina, who takes all that cheating sex surprisingly well.
- 导演:
- 蜜桃社
- 主演:
- 缇娜美
- 电影类型:
- 漫画
- 电影剧情:
- 缇娜美Tinami,内地新晋平面模特,99年的妹子,身材非常娇小,却拥有F杯身材,而且细腰美背,还有梨涡和一双青涩美丽的大眼睛。 解压码:qazwsx369 提取码:wxqf
[HorrorPorn] Cunthulhu 昆图鲁
- 导演:
- HorrorPorn
- 主演:
- HorrorPorn
- 电影剧情:
- 剧情简介(自行翻译): This scientific experiment got out of hand! The beautiful scientist tried to mutate the human genome with squid genes and accidentally created a monster from the deep. The terrifying monster obeyed The Call of Cunthulhu and delivered some love crafted exactly for the scientist's asshole. The fragile beauty was forced to swallow its huge dick and cum as black as ink. She created the insquidious evil and with fate much worse that she could have ever imagined.
[HorrorPorn] The Amazon 亚马逊【4K&收藏级】
- 导演:
- HorrorPorn
- 主演:
- HorrorPorn
- 电影剧情:
- 剧情简介(自行翻译): The long-lost tribe of wild women. These are the legendary Amazons, untamed beasts. They hunt men and use them only to satisfy their needs. The pack is obediently following the horrifying queen, who rules with a hard hand and an always hungry pussy. Amazons only live for hunting and sex. Anyone unlucky enough to get caught by them is doomed forever.