
来了lll发布于 2024-12-24 09:35:04



Alan Vydra(导演)/理查德·艾伦 / 让-皮埃尔·阿尔芒 / 多米尼克·艾夫琳 / Caroline Grace / Laura Clair(主演)/西德/1983



美丽的梦/梦中情人/Belles de rêve/ DreamLovers




女孩性爱伴侣 A Girl’s Best Friend

不详(导演)/朱丽叶 · 安德森 /罗恩 · 杰里米 / 萨曼莎 · 福克斯 / 维罗妮卡哈特(主演)/美国/1981/奇幻/剧情/爱情

介绍:故事涉及繁忙和热闹的大通秸秆夫人 Leautrec (朱丽叶 · 安德森) 与她潇洒的儿子保罗 (罗恩 · 杰里米) 的三个令人难以置信的美丽钻石宴会厅和卧室的欧洲,通过使用爱与欲望作为工具,他们的贸易。热的第三次和最好的钻石在路上,我们臭名远扬的英雄发现自己在优雅的纽约迪斯科夫人 Leautrec 交汇钻石的所有者,格林菲尔德先生,虽然保罗罢工不寻常的性交易和红色 (萨曼莎 · 福克斯) 的女人。格林菲尔德先生,一位百万富翁,邀请保罗和他的母亲对他的年度舞会和狂欢。当数百名戴着面具派对参加者切勿公开追求他们最喜欢的变态,保罗和他的母亲被 incestuously 阴险的陷阱,导致他们输给了另一个小偷 (维罗妮卡哈特) 的钻石。 The story involves a hectic and hilarious chase as Mrs. Leautrec (Juliet Anderson) and her dashing son Paul (Ron Jeremy) stalk three incredibly beautiful diamonds through the ballrooms and bedrooms of Europe, using love and lust as tools of their trade. Hot on the trail of the third and finest diamond, our notorious heroes find themselves at an elegant New York disco where Mrs. Leautrec meets the diamond’s owner, Mr. Greenfield, while Paul strikes an unusual sexual bargain with the lady in red (Samantha Fox). Mr. Greenfield, a multi-millionaire, invites Paul and his mother to his annual masquerade and orgy. As hundreds of masked party-goers publicly pursue their favorite perversions, Paul and his mother are caught in an incestuously devious trap, causing them to lose the diamond to another thief (Veronica Hart).




介绍:电影名:Der heiße Tod 99 women Island of Despair 九十九个女人 截止2019年10月9日共有162人对《九十九个女人》评分,豆瓣评分5分。 一个女记者为调查小岛女子监狱的黑暗,孤身一人以合理借口入驻此监狱。在这里,她目睹了监狱女犯们的种种不幸和遭遇。有的女犯在别的女犯掩护下,冒死与前来给监狱送工料的猛男火速偷情;有的女犯因不从狱长夫妇的严酷管理,遭到的是更无情的折磨甚至就地QB;有的女犯在没有男性的监牢管制下,自动或被迫与同监牢女犯宣泄肉欲;有的女犯眼看脱逃,却终被再次捕获投进狱中,等待她们的是惨烈的尖叫和痛不欲生的严惩。影片最后,女记者秘密带着她第一手资料,痛苦地走向监狱大门。一个长镜头,一个渐行渐远的背影,留给观众的是一颗揪着的心、是一份沉甸甸的思考。


意大利种马 (史泰龙出道制作 R级)

Morton Lewis(导演)/史泰龙, Henrietta Holm,Jodi Van Prang(主演)/美国/1969




Luiz Castellini/Oswaldo de Oliveira/Antonio Polo Galante(导演)/Eudósia Acuña/Esmeralda Barros/Hugo Bidet(主演)/巴西/1977/剧情

介绍:电影名:Presídio de Mulheres Violentadas 讲述女囚反抗不人道的监狱状况的故事~~



Joe D'Amato(导演)/Laura Gemser/Ely Galleani/Gabriele Tinti/Venantino Venantini(主演)/意大利/1978/剧情

介绍:又名:Emanuelle and the White Slave Trade/Emanuelle and the Girls of Madame Claude / La via della prostituzione,女主标准的美女,身材爆好! 史上最牛逼的三级片系列:黑色艾曼纽系列,一共12部,此为第八部! 艾曼纽系列就是看里面的美女,主角除外,哈哈,至于那些电影中包涵的道理就不管了,本片的美女依旧是亮点!!! 只有非洲能容下两个裸奔的美女。在最原始的生活中永远有爱和被爱的权利。 Reporter Emanuelle (Laura Gemser) is doing a story on the white slave trade and tracks everything to a gangster living in Africa. Not happy stopping there, Emanuelle comes back to America and begins working undercover. This is probably the best of the D'Amato/Gemser Emanuelle movies but that's not saying too much. Unlike the other films in the series this one here at least manages to be entertaining without having to have a woman jerk off a horse as was seen in Emanuelle in America. This film here has a pretty interesting story and it moves along without too many boring spots. Needless to say there's a lot of sex scenes with Gemser taking on various men and women and these here are without a doubt the best scenes. D'Amato makes most of these very erotic, which is another thing missing from others in the series. I wouldn't say Gemser gives a good performance but she is comfortable in the role and you can't complain about seeing her naked throughout the film. The scenes in Africa are well shot and it's nice seeing some of the wildlife. Some of the American scenes were lifted from Emanuelle and the Last Cannibals but this just adds to some of the cheap fun. Original title: Via della prostituzione, La.



Joe D'Amato(导演)/Laura Gemser/Ivan Rassimov/Karin Schubert(主演)/意大利/1977/冒险/恐怖/惊悚/剧情

介绍:又名:Emanuelle - Perché violenza alle donne?/Emanuelle Around the World,女主标准的美女,身材爆好! 史上最牛逼的三级片系列:黑色艾曼纽系列,一共12部,此为第六部! Emanuelle Around the World (Emanuelle - Perché violenza alle donne?), also known as The Degradation of Emanuelle and Emanuelle Versus Violence to Women, is a 1977 sexploitation film by Italian director Joe D'Amato, starring Laura Gemser and George Eastman. The film was one of the most expensive films ever made in Italy at that time, not just in cast but in locations. The filming was done in many countries; Hong Kong, Iran, India, America and in a studio in Italy. It features a notable cast, including Gemser, Karin Schubert, Ivan Rassimov and Eastman.


黑艾曼纽/Black Emanuelle

比托·阿尔贝蒂尼(导演)/劳拉·贾姆瑟/卡琳·舒伯特/安杰洛·伊凡蒂/Isabelle Marchall(主演)/西班牙/意大利/1975/剧情

介绍:史上最牛逼的三级片系列:黑色艾曼纽系列,一共12部。 In her first onscreen adventure, journalist/photographer Mae Jordan (known to her readers as "Emanuelle") travels to Africa on assignment. Questions of her own racial and sexual identity come to a head as she observes the troubled marriage of her hosts, Ann and Gianni Danieli. Matters are complicated further when Emanuelle finds herself in affairs with both of them, after which she flees Africa, only to be persued by Gianni, who had earlier rejected her and ridiculed her advances.
