介绍:The reporters June Winters and Alice investigate a health spa that employs "sexercise". Alas, their boss Mr. Martin reconsiders after being photographed having sex with the worker Nina who forced herself on him. June Winters and Alice are reporters sent by their boss Mr. Martin to investigate Todd's Eurosex Health Spa. June Winters initially resists the spa's patented "sexercise". But back at home, she is seduced by Alice. While she later regrets it, one of the health spa's exercise machines triggers her to undress and touch herself in front of the entire gym. Drunk out of shame at home, she tries forcing herself on a visiting Mr. Martin. Alice enjoys the services of the health spa's workers Bill and Nina, while June Winters prints an article that will ruin the spa. She gets aroused though when Todd massages her shoulders and tries touching her inappropriately. Todd and Alice invade Mr. Martin's office at night to replace the article, but also make use of his desk. When Mr. Martin arrives personally to take pictures, June Winters finally agrees to enter Todd's office for a private session. Meanwhile, Bill holds Mr. Martin down while Nina forces herself on him. After he consents, Alice takes pictures. This health spa has developed a new exercise concept that proves helpful in making everybody very active - a sexercise. It also attracts an investigative reporter, whose mind about her subject will change, has the spa manager shows her all the good parts.
介绍:日本Cult名导石井辉男上世纪60年代经典作品。 影片通过三段故事展现了17世纪日本德川幕府时代的残酷风情画: 第一段:少女和病重的哥哥相依为命,还时常受到别人的欺负。后来兄妹俩发生乱伦,心怀愧疚的哥哥戳颈自杀,女孩则因乱伦罪名受到幕府的严惩…… 第二段:新来的尼姑庵主持发现小尼姑和和尚的私情,嫉妒和愤恨让她将小尼姑活活折磨致死,主持与其帮凶同样没有逃脱幕府酷刑的惩罚…… 第三段:类似《地狱变》和《禁室培育》的综合体。江户名雕长(小池朝雄 饰)最新作品“地狱变”受到酷吏南原(渡边文雄 饰)的嘲笑,为了夺回荣誉,他请求观摩南原拷打女囚的场面,最终他完成了生命中最辉煌的作品……
介绍:埃及艳后 没什么可说的 好东西
介绍:电影名:The Secret Sex Lives of Romeo and Juliet 罗密欧与朱丽叶的情爱秘史 70年代的成人电影。。你懂的
介绍:电影名:Flypaper 苍蝇陷阱 Flypaper 截止2019年12月3日共有128人对《捕蝇》评分,豆瓣评分4.4分。 在洛杉磯的後街小巷中,一場好戲正要上演…地產大亨馬文海德勒(勞勃洛吉亞,「搖錢樹」)在一家旅館的房間中,試圖勸導被愛沖昏頭的女兒,放棄一個瘋狂的求婚者;在隔壁房間裡,性感的愛曼達(塔莉絲塔索托,「魔宮帝國2」)正在報復她不貞的未婚夫;同時在另外一個地方,愚蠢的大惡棍巴比(克瑞格薛佛,「超火線行動」)則在鬼鬼祟祟的計劃綁架馬文。這幾個人素昧平生,他們從來沒想過彼此的生活會有所交集,但是命?#092;卻對他們開了一個大玩笑,他們各自的陰?#092;互相搭錯了線,報復、慾望與貪婪迅速?#092;罩了洛杉磯的後街小巷,造成了令人哭笑不得的結果。 本片未满18岁的请不要下载,老美可能把本片定为1+2级!