
必不挠北那边发布于 2023-10-26 16:13:13


咬我 bite me

brett piper(导演)/Misty Mundae/Julian Wells/Caitlin Ross(主演)/美国/2004/恐怖

介绍:电影名:bite me 咬我 在一个隐秘的脱衣舞俱乐部里,围聚着一群异形生物和一个变节的联邦警员,这些异形生物以人血为食,它们的攻击带有奇特的麻醉作用;联邦警员身份特殊,手上附着生物芯片……他们同时出现有一个原因:那就是带有生物作用的药品已出现在俱乐部里…… 低成本脑残片。。前面是多余的,最后15分钟蜘蛛变大群攻和虫人变身有点看头。



Tom Heidenberg(导演)/Gunther Brandl /Eldrid Remy /Katharina Buchberger(主演)/Austria| Germany/2013/恐怖




三木康一郎(导演)/谷村美月 / 木南晴夏 / 佐津川愛美 / 石橋杏奈 / 入来茉里 / 古川雄辉(主演)/日本/2012/恐怖

介绍:日常に潜む狂気や恐怖を描いたホラー作品で、2007年に放送された第1作「トリハダ 夜ふかしのあなたにゾクッとする話を」を皮切りに、09年までにシリーズ計6作が放送されたオムニバスドラマの劇場版。家電メーカーのコールセンターに務めるひかりは、製品に無関係な文句をつけてくるクレーマーにもひたすら謝り続ける、地味で真面目な社員。しかし、上司の中村と不倫中という大きな秘密を抱えていた。ある日、中年女性のクレーマー対応に疲れて帰宅したひかりは、隣に住む住人の名前がクレーマーと同じであることに気がつき……。主演はドラマ版に1作目から出演している谷村美月。共演に木南晴夏、佐津川愛美、石橋杏奈ら。 日常潜伏的疯狂和恐怖,恐怖作品,描绘了在2007年播放的第1作品“トリハダ熬夜的你ゾクッ的话”为开端,09年之前系列共6作品被广播的短篇连续剧的剧场版。家电制造商的呼叫中心担任的光,产品无关的有意见来克勒默也只顾继续道歉,质朴的,认真的职员。但是,上司的中村和不伦中的大秘密抱着。有一天,中年女性的克勒默对应累,回家了,光是住在隔壁的居民的名字克勒默一样的事注意到……。主演电视剧版第一部开始出演的谷村美月。共同出演的木南晴天夏天,佐津川爱美,石桥杏奈们。——来自百度翻译。。。。。。。



Daisuke Yamanouchi(导演)/Hiroshi Kitasenju / Sheena Nagamori / Mayumi Ookawa(主演)/日本/1999/恐怖




David Blyth(导演)/Kate O'Rourke /Te Kaea Ber /Campbell Cooley /Sandy Lowe(主演)/新西兰/2010/恐怖

介绍:The way Susan Purdue sees it, the patricide she’s been planning for so long isn’t just an act of revenge, it’s a necessity. When her father returns to the family home, all is long since prepared and the killing can finally occur. The rotten soul will pay for his unpardonable, incestuous transgressions against his daughter when she was just a child. But once her dad is good and buried in the backyard, Susan doesn’t find the closure she anticipated. Tormented by a host of demons and trapped in a dead-end job, she slides quietly into a deep madness that blurs the distinction between her banal reality and her nightmarish, sadomasochistic fantasies. To survive, she submits herself to a strict dominator for whom the worst tortures are the same as the most gentle caresses. Tanya has a boyfriend, skips school and gets her kicks hanging out in sleazy dives. She’d be a pretty unremarkable teen if not for the identity crisis that has gnawed inside her for so long. Adopted at birth, she ties her troubles in life to the fact that she has no idea who her true parents are. One afternoon, her therapist gives her what she has always wanted—confidential documents from the orphanage at which she was so cruelly abandoned. While the dossier doesn’t identify her father, her mother’s name is marked down as Susan Purdue. The destinies of these two women will cross, leading them both into a parallel world of unearthly creatures of flesh and latex, a place where the most shocking perversions are realized. At the heart of this purgatory of the senses, the masks will fall and the unbearable truth will surface in a sea of blood. Tanya and Susan, each other’s mirror image, will have to face themselves. Abandon hope, all who enter here. With the stunning documentaries TRANSFIGURED NIGHTS and BOUND FOR PLEASURE, presented at Fantasia in 2008, the fetishistic fascinations of New Zealand filmmaker David Blyth (creator of the cult hits DEATH WARMED UP, RED BLOODED AMERICAN GIRL) were revealed. His highly anticipated return to fiction explores his themes anew, transposed to the screen like a lucid fever dream. One proceeds with caution into his dark universe, where only the logic of fantasy is the guide. Blyth surprises by expertly echoing the atmospherics of Lynch while recalling ANGEL MINE, his debut feature film. Blyth punctuates this journey with violent images as bizarre as they are disturbing, from a painful castration to an unusually grotesque birth. Bewitching and phantasmagorical, dangerous and amazing, WOUND will leave its mark on you. —Simon Laperrière (translated by Rupert Bottenberg)



Thomas Extreme Cinemagore(导演)/无(主演)/美国/2014/恐怖/纪录

介绍:别名:Most Disturbed Person on Planet Earth Part 2 重口味血腥变态我喜欢 稀有冷门电影爱好者 超级血腥,暴力,超级重口味电影。 世界级禁片。




介绍:弗莱迪·克鲁格拥有操控梦境的力量, 他从《半夜鬼上床》开始作恶,专门趁大家熟睡时,潜入人们的梦中进行残忍复仇、杀人灭口。困在地狱十年的他,认识了以《13号星期五》恶名远扬的“嗜血狂魔”杰森·沃赫斯,因此决定利用杰森来让自己脱离炼狱、再展邪恶。 由于曾遭他危害的春木镇已采取防范措施,让所有可能成为弗莱迪追杀目标的居民,全都预先服药以避免作梦,防止在恶梦中被夺取性命,所以大家不再避讳谈到弗莱迪的名字,甚至渐渐淡忘关于他的一切,包括对他的恐惧。这个恶夜鬼王逐渐成为大人说故事吓小孩时,口中无足轻重、聊备一格的人物。 “丰功伟业”被遗忘的弗莱迪非常不爽,最令人担忧的这一天终于来到。为了回到春木镇的艾姆街、重享往日呼风唤雨的威风,弗莱迪绞尽脑汁,他灵光一动想到了埋在附近墓园的杰森,便决定入侵杰森的梦境,让他惊醒、从死里复活!杰森跟弗莱迪一样杀人不眨眼,同样具有恐怖偶像的地位。 弗莱迪发现杰森非常容易掌控,于是设计了完美的借刀杀人阴谋,让杰森到春木镇进行屠杀之旅,企图再次引发世人恐慌。 精明的弗莱迪邀请杰森联手作乱。 春木镇开始有越来越多人离奇死亡,艾姆街上尸体横陈、血流成河,弗莱迪重新建立起令人闻风丧胆的名声,但他也察觉事情一发不可收拾,因为杰森杀上了瘾,居然和弗莱迪争版图,不肯罢手、拒绝让出江山。弗莱迪勃然大怒,不愿让杰森独揽所有“功劳”,于是开始养精蓄锐,不断入侵杰森的梦境里操控支配他。 在镇上两名青少年的挑拨离间之下,弗莱迪的诡计被识破,愤怒的杰森不甘心被这梦魔欺骗利用,决定报复反攻。一山不容二虎,谁也不愿俯首称臣、听命对方。于是两大魔头开始摩拳擦掌,斗智也斗力,打算来个决一死战。


古灵精怪东南亚 4

无(导演)/Gordon Vein(主演)/香港/德国/1998/恐怖/纪录

介绍:别名:The Amazing Shocking Asia Documentary examining the many strange customs that take place in Asia.



C.C. Kwong/Takafumi Nagamine(导演)/无(主演)/香港/1995/恐怖/纪录

介绍:别名:Shocking Asia III: After Dark 终于看完了。。人妖,变性手术,侏儒大战,巫术。。。猎奇爱好者首推 "Shocking Asia 3" isn't too outrageous considering its subject matter,but it's pretty sleazy as we are visiting Japanese sex shops,brothels and night clubs.There is some strong sex(nearly hard core)on display,body piercing etc.This shockumentary is set mostly in Japan-I'm still pretty amazed that Japanese people,albeit really hard-working and kind,can be also so extreme.I'd love to visit this brilliant country one day.To sum up,if you like mondo give this one a look.



Rolf Olsen(导演)/无(主演)/香港/西德/1985/恐怖/纪录

介绍:别名:Shocking Asia II: The Last Taboos Venture, if you dare, behind the bamboo curtain and into the dark and alluring mysteries of the Far East where centuries-old traditions remain shrouded in superstition and fear. Bizarre rituals and unbridled morals walk hand in hand and unbelievable and
