
BlackHeaven299发布于 2022-02-05 17:42:16



Bruno Mattei布鲁诺·马提尼(导演)/Laura Gemser劳拉·贾姆瑟/Gabriele Tinti/Ursula Flores(主演)/意大利/法国/1983/动作/剧情

介绍:又名:Emanuelle fuga dall'inferno/Women's Prison Massacre,女主标准的美女,身材爆好! 史上最牛逼的三级片系列:黑色艾曼纽系列,一共12部,此为第十二部! 一部正宗的B级片,讲述记者艾曼妞(劳拉·贾姆瑟饰)因为结露高层黑幕而被送进监狱,并和监狱内的一个大姐头交恶。影片进行到一半的时候突然出现四个死刑犯,他们被送进这所监狱,成功的劫持人质要挟政府,在等待政府回复的时候和狱中的女囚犯发生了一系列变态的行为。 变态的人性,可怕至极。 Emanuelle, a reporter, comes just a little too close to exposing a corrupt official, and is sent to prison on trumped-up charges. In the prison, the inmates are constantly humiliated and tortured by the prison staff. Overly affectionate prisoners are forced underwater, while others are obliged to look on. Emanuelle finds an enemy in the deranged Albina, who "runs the prison." For the pleasure of the warden, Emanuelle and Albina are forced to fight each other with knives. Bad becomes worse when four men awaiting execution escape and take over the prison. Gore flows like water.
